I talked a few weeks ago about getting a puppy and how great they are, now I’m not so sure. Although Remi, my dog, is still extremely cute and playful but on the other hand she is a handful now. All she does is chew on everything. Nothing is safe in my apartment.

Remi will literally chew on anything she can get her mouth on. She really likes to chew on dirty socks and hide them, I’ve lost count of how many socks I’m missing. She also has ruined a few decks of playing cards now too, that was not fun to clean up there were bits of playing cards all over the floor.

Not only does she chew on everything she also is really into biting me now. It doesn’t always hurt but every once in a while she gets me pretty good and it does hurt a little. I’m hoping she grows out of this phase pretty quick.

Although she does chew on everything and bite me every now and again, she has learned some good things. She now knows to go to the door if she has to go outside to go to the bathroom. She loves playing fetch with me and that is good because she will play until she is exhausted, then she doesn’t have the energy to bite me. Also, she has learned to sit down and lay down then roll over, which I think is pretty funny to watch.

Puppies can cause a lot of problems and chew everything up, but I am glad I have her. It if fun to watch her when she falls over things or barks at toilet brushes, but puppies are a lot of work. Unless you have plenty of time and patience you should really think twice about getting a dog.

Photo Credit: ElBosco via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: ElBosco via Compfight cc