During college one important thing that most college students have is a laptop. Laptops are a very useful tool to help you make it through your college years. It’s great to take notes on or to look at the power points the teacher posted, but is it helpful when you take it to class just to look at Facebook?

It never fails that no matter what class I am in somebody has their laptop out but not to take notes, they are on Facebook or some other social media site. It’s not limited to social media though I’ve seen girls shopping for swimsuits while the teacher is teaching. I wasn’t aware that the teacher was lecturing about swimsuits that day, I thought I signed up for human anatomy not swimsuits 101.

To me this is just rude to sit in class and not pay attention to what the teacher has to say. Listen to what the teacher is saying, Facebook is still going to be there after class. And if you can’t go an hour without checking your Facebook then you need to get some form of help for internet addiction. I mean what’s so important that you can’t go an hour without looking at social media? I’ve gone months without looking at my Facebook page and I survived just fine without it.

Photo Credit: Daniel Conway via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Daniel Conway via Compfight cc